More than
‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for life.’
Continental Star believes in the importance of empowering people, whether it is through sport or education / training. An ‘each one, teach one’ philosophy is at the core of all that we do. Enabling young people to begin to acquire the skill sets necessary to achieve their potential is paramount; making Continental Star, More Than Just a Football Club.
In recent years we have made links with like minded organisations in Barbados, Germany and France; this has enabled us to provide young people with experiences outside of their local community. Watching these young people interacting with people that they would not ordinarily meet is “a special experience for all involved, … and for some a life changing one.”.
‘Passing on the baton’ has become a mantra for many at Continental Star, as Star has seen an influx of young people – many of them young females – who have begun to volunteer their time to help support, maintain and develop projects away from the traditional sports. For example, we had 20 plus young people on Christmas eve, 2017 at The Sports Hub working until 10:30 pm to help unload and stack food items that was eventually distributed to the local community. This continues to happen on a regular basis as we work with organisations such as Fare Share.
“…that’s why we do what we do, so that we can do what we can.”