Our Story

Our Story

Continental Star is a unique Sport and Community Club located in the West Midlands.

We have a long and proud history that goes back over 40 years. We started life as a football club – but are now so much more than that.   Today Continental Star is a Social Enterprise and a registered charity that offers a range of community services in addition to a growing portfolio of sports activities.

Our Club, headed by General Manager Lincoln Moses MBE is run purely by volunteers, who coach, mentor and support up to 350 young children and adults every week. And during the school holidays they will run ‘Holiday Camps’, the latest one saw them engaging over 1,200 young people.

Continental Star has in the past held the title of being a FA Community Charter Standard Club.

Our objectives

Our purpose is simple. We aim to provide an environment that:

  • delivers Excellence through sport and other activities
  • encourages a healthy lifestyle
  • raises the self-esteem and self-worth of disadvantaged young people
  • offers life learning experiences that youngsters will retain and pass on to others
  • promotes community cohesion by offering a real alternative to boredom and anti-social behaviour.
  • fosters a ‘can do’ attitude

More than a football club

As well as running several football teams (from the Mini Movers right up to the over 35s), Continental Star also:-

  • Runs successful ‘Holiday Camps’ and ‘Foreign exchange trips’ which targets disadvantaged young people and aims to challenge stereotypes
  • Provides a women’s help group providing support and advice to the unemployed and lone parents
  • Acts as Grassroots B.A.M.E. (Black & Asian Minority Ethnic) advisors to the FA and the Kick It Out campaign
  • Provides intervention support to young individuals in schools


Our Vision

Our vision is arranged around four key themes.

Our main focus is on achieving FA Community Club status (we would be the first in inner city Birmingham).

Being able to strengthen at Board level and to continue to build the capacity of our coaching staff and volunteers.

To become self sufficient so that we can produce legacy that enables us to continue to meet the community needs in the future.

To work on an equal footing with like minded organisations for the benefit of the young people within our community.